Facebook Pixel Code help you to track the multiple events on your online store like
- Page View
- AddtoCart
- InitiateCheckout
- CustomerRegistration
The tracking will help you to create the Facebook ads more correctly and you can easily target your potential visitor and easily convert them to leads
In the same way, Facebook also introduced one Advanced matching integration which provides you the customer information like Customer Email, First Name & Last Name which will ultimately lead you to target more and more customers in a more unique way and filter your visitors the first level only.
fbq('init', '{facebook-pixel-id}', {
em: '{user-email}', // Values will be hashed
fn: '{user-first-name}', // automatically by the pixel
ln: '{user-last-name}' // using SHA-256
Now, if you still having a question why use Advanced Facebook Pixel Code?
Automatic matching increases the audience size and improve the importance and performance of your ads and the running campaigns. You can measure the efficiency of your campaign by capturing the user data from your website and send it to Facebook for analysis.
Method to setup Advanced Facebook Pixel Code:
1. Download the extension from PurchaseTheme.com or from Opencart Marketplace ( Free Installation & Support )
2. Login to Facebook
3. Go to Event Manager & Select your pixel code
4. Go to the setting tab
5. Under the Details section, select Automatic Advanced Matching
6. Select the specific data that you want to send from your website. Facebook suggests selecting email addresses and phone numbers for the best results.
Now you are DONE!
If you still have any question you can directly get in touch with purchasetheme.com and raise you query for perfect solution.